Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Making him work for it...

There is plenty of evidence for some strong feminist eyebrow-raising when it comes to Disney princesses. It's pretty easy to find articles on how the princesses are terrible role models (Ex: feminist critique of Disney princesses). Even so, there is an undeniable appeal. I mean, who doesn't want great hair, a lovely singing voice, and woodland creatures to do one's bidding? I don't think most of the princesses' critics are even denying that it would be cool if a mouse helped with laundry.

The problem is the Disney prince. He gets to save the day. You're following the story of this princess, and the she gets taken out by the villain at the last minute so that the prince can step in. This rarely happens to men, but when it does? They tend to just see it as a lucky break or an "I owe you one" deal. Pulp Fiction comes to mind. Ving Rhames's character is trying to kill Bruce Willis's character, but he ends up getting captured by some racist, sadomasochistic weirdos. This could have just been a lucky break for Bruce, but he goes ahead and saves Ving Rhames, who is then able to confront his captors and make the promise to "go medieval" on their asses. Everyone wins. Maybe the Disney princes should take this lesson into consideration; it is rude not to let a victim have revenge, thus relieving him or her of victim status. I think Snow White could've really sold a line like, "Bitch, killing me won't make your ass any less ugly."

Notice that I don't advise completely taking away the prince's role in the saving of the day. I like to think that, to some extent, the princesses are just making him work for it. How much do you really like me? In reality, there are very few cool ways to prove how into someone you are. It's hard to find ways to literally be a hero. There are very few opportunities for epic battles against evil as a way to prove one's love. I'm not sure I really want to be with someone who wouldn't go through the effort to undo spells or fight dragons. What's he going to do when my car breaks down four hours from home? Is he going to drive the four hours? Because that's what a hero would do. Say what you want about the Disney princes, but none of them would be like, "Can't you call a tow truck and a cab? Yeah, I know it would be expensive, but the game is on!"

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